D. PROJECT SECTION III – Implementation

Implementation Explanation

Our solution is advice offered to Tesla to invest in more means of production in order to better meet customer demand. The information technologies that would best support this solution is a more streamlined transaction processing system. This would address the main problem of overwhelming demand that the current amount of Tesla’s production capabilities. There are two main parts to the solution. The cost of the quick solution, a streamlined transaction processing system, would be relatively inexpensive. The cost of the long term solution, building more factories to increase means of production, would be quite costly, but worth it in order to keep up with demand.

Architecture of Information Systems

Relational Database Diagram (ERD)

Costs/Benefits Analysis Over the Next Five Years

Contingency and Disaster Recovery Plan

For the first, quick fix part of the solution, there virtually is no risk of disaster thus no need for contingency plan. A simple improvement of the transaction processing system is not risking anything, only increasing speed.

For the second part, the building of more Tesla factories, there is quite a large possibility of disaster. The largest threat to this part of the solution would be Tesla going under and being unable to use the new facilities. In order to mitigate this risk, Tesla could include versatility in the design of the factories, in order to sell said factories to another competitor. They would of course have to be sold at a discount, but would still cover the majority of the loss, mitigating this risk.

Ethical Considerations and Issues

The main ethical considerations are those of workplace quality against Tesla’s increasing demand for production and the ethical issue that all car manufacturers face today, environmental impact. 

In order to mitigate the issue of poor workplace quality, Tesla would have to do additional preparation. It is a very difficult situation where demand is very high and the only solution that seems to be cost effective is an increase of the labor and assembly parts of the production process, however, with our advice, Tesla could relieve pressure from its existing factories with the creation of others to better handle the demand. 

As for the ethical issue of their environmental impact, Tesla’s current business operation claims to be having only a positive impact. To the day, they claim to have ‘saved’ four million tons of carbon from being released into the atmosphere. This risk is mitigated by their positive impact.

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